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Home Guards

Your Shield against Formaldehyde and Harmful VOC.

At Home Guards, we understand the need for a clean, safe, and healthy home. Our mission is to safeguard your living spaces against the invisible threats such as formaldehyde emission from your new home. Catering primarily to homeowners, families with young children, and pet owners, we recognize the unique challenges you face in providing your family a new yet safe homes free of toxic formaldehyde.

Why Home Guards?

New home owners should consider formaldehyde removal because formaldehyde is a harmful chemical commonly found in new carpentry, pressed wood products, and synthetic fabrics, which are prevalent in many homes. Prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can lead to respiratory issues, eye irritation, and other health problems. Given Singapore's humid climate, formaldehyde emissions can persist for 5-15 years, continuously affecting indoor air quality. By removing formaldehyde, residents can create a healthier living environment, reducing potential health risks for themselves and their families while ensuring that their home is a safe and comfortable space.

spraying formaldehyde removal solution
formaldehyde removal spraying

Our Solution

Home Guards offers a specialized formaldehyde removal service that utilizes a combination of both photo and non-photocatalyst solutions, tailored to effectively target and break down harmful formaldehyde emissions in homes. This dual-approach ensures comprehensive coverage, with the photocatalyst solution activated by light to continuously break down formaldehyde, while the non-photocatalyst solution works effectively in areas with limited light exposure. This ensures that Home Guards provides an optimal and lasting solution for homeowners, creating a healthier and safer living environment.

Testimonials For Home Guards

Never knew that I would need this service to protect my family members. After coating was done, my kids have started falling sick less and had less cough and flu symptoms. It's a great overall protection that I'll definitely use again.

Jacie Tan

Home Owner


Contact Us Now

Contact us for a fuss free quotation and to find out more on how we can help you! You can also contact us via whatsapp at +65 8687 0211

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